Avaya ACIS 7595X 問題集

クラウドが普及していくと、オンプレミス環境とクラウドとの連携が不可欠となります。これを「ハイブリットクラウド」といいますが、そこからもう一歩進んだクラウドの世界として「ユニファイドハイブリッドクラウド」があります。AvayaACIS資格の7595X認定試験問題集が研究しました。Avaya Surge™ Solution Integration Exam問題集模擬テスト問題集と真実の試験問題がよく似ています。一目でわかる最新の出題傾向でわかりやすい解説と充実の補充問題があります。直訳すれば「1つになったハイブリットクラウド」ということですが、オンプレミスとクラウドという別々の環境をつなぐのではなく、両者の境目がなくなって論理的に1つになります。

IT分野で、Avaya ACIS認定資格7595X試験問題集資格を利用することにより経済を成長させることを重要視している。このように資格といってもいろいろな人がいろいろな目的のために取得 しようとしています。どの試験を受けたらいいだろうか?7595X試験問題集認定試験を受けたほうがいいと思います。Ktestは認証の最新問題集を提供いたします、最も標準的な技術を正確的に書き入れ、認証した専門家と作者の出版した新製品だけを使います、Avaya ACIS認定資格の7595X(Avaya Surge™ Solution Integration Exam)試験問題集は世界のどこでも人気があるんですよ、Ktestでその問題集を購入するのは明確の選択でございます。いろんな資格対応試験問題集を注文したら、Ktestへようこそ!

Share some ACIS 7595X exam questions and answers below.
Each ONA follows an ONA Life Cycle Management to describe its states.When the ONA is in the Active state, which statement is true?

A. It is when the device Inventory/profile for the device is present, but is not associated to a service profile, and see the ONA is onboarded in the Avaya Surge IoT healthcare application.

B. It is when the device Inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, and the device is in the network, authenticated, and operational.

C. It is when the device Inventory/profile Is present, and the device is in the network and authenticated, but the service profile is not associated.

D. It is when a device is connected to the network for which the device inventory/profile is not present.

Answer: C

Each ONA follows an ONA Life Cycle Management to describe its states.

When the ONA is in the Invalid state, which statement is true?

A. It is when the device inventory/profile for the device is present, but is not associated to a service profile, and the ONA is onboarded in the Avaya Surge IoT healthcare application.

B. It is when the device inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, and the device is in the network, authenticated, and operational.

C. It is when the device inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, but the device is not in the network.

D. It is when a device is connected to the network for which the device inventory/profile is not present.

Answer: D

According to the functionality, which feature describes an Avaya Surge IoT Controller?

A. It is Avaya Switch Management software.

B. It is a centralized SDN based controller that programs ONA devices to easily control traffic from hundreds of IoT devices.

C. It is a solution that makes the process of managing devices and monitoring the credential easier for the administrator.

D. It is a network provisioning tool that helps map the network topology.

Answer: A

Which interface is used for High Availability and Clustering of the Avaya Surge IoT Controller?

A. Integration Network interface

B. Device Network interface

C. Integrated Light Out Interface

D. Management Network Interface

Answer: C

Which authentication mechanism is important for transmission of information between the ONA device to the ODL controller, and to the rest of the network?

A. Certificates

B. Kerberos



Answer: B


Avaya ACIS 7595X 問題集

ちょうど質問と回答ボレー以上よりからKtestアドビオンライントレーニング。あなたは、技術の訓練にマルチレベルのアプローチを取得し、検査のアドビのコンテンツの要素を採用することにより、類似点と相違点ます。KtestAvayaのACIS認定資格7595X試験問題集試験準備は、実際に教育の場を入力する任意の候補者のレベルを開発しました。私たちは、最高のアドビ試験のコツを準備し、提供するためにルーチンに関係なく、あなたの経験やAvaya Surge™ Solution Integration Examトレーニングスタイルをあなたを置くことができます
Share some ACIS 7595X exam questions and answers below.
Each ONA follows an ONA Life Cycle Management to describe its states.When the ONA is in the Active state, which statement is true?

A. It is when the device Inventory/profile for the device is present, but is not associated to a service profile, and see the ONA is onboarded in the Avaya Surge IoT healthcare application.

B. It is when the device Inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, and the device is in the network, authenticated, and operational.

C. It is when the device Inventory/profile Is present, and the device is in the network and authenticated, but the service profile is not associated.

D. It is when a device is connected to the network for which the device inventory/profile is not present.

Answer: C

According to the functionality, which feature describes an Avaya Surge IoT Controller?

A. It is Avaya Switch Management software.

B. It is a centralized SDN based controller that programs ONA devices to easily control traffic from hundreds of IoT devices.

C. It is a solution that makes the process of managing devices and monitoring the credential easier for the administrator.

D. It is a network provisioning tool that helps map the network topology.

Answer: A

Each ONA follows an ONA Life Cycle Management to describe its states.

When the ONA is in the Invalid state, which statement is true?

A. It is when the device inventory/profile for the device is present, but is not associated to a service profile, and the ONA is onboarded in the Avaya Surge IoT healthcare application.

B. It is when the device inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, and the device is in the network, authenticated, and operational.

C. It is when the device inventory/profile is present and associated to a service profile, but the device is not in the network.

D. It is when a device is connected to the network for which the device inventory/profile is not present.

Answer: D

Which authentication mechanism is important for transmission of information between the ONA device to the ODL controller, and to the rest of the network?

A. Certificates

B. Kerberos



Answer: B

Which interface is used for High Availability and Clustering of the Avaya Surge IoT Controller?

A. Integration Network interface

B. Device Network interface

C. Integrated Light Out Interface

D. Management Network Interface

Answer: C

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KtestのAvaya Surge™ Solution Integration Exam試験問題集は多くの受験生に検証されたものですから、高い成功率を保証できます。もしこの問題集を利用してからやはり試験に不合格になってしまえば、Ktestは全額で返金することができます。あるいは、無料で試験7595X試験問題集を更新してあげるのを選択することもできます。こんな保障がありますから、心配する必要は全然「私はだめです。」と思わないでください。ないですよ。学歴は実力と等しくなく、能力とも等しくないです。本当の能力は実践で鍛えたもので、学歴と直接な関係がないです。ACIS認定資格の7595X試験問題集に申し込んだ勉強者は自分が合格できないなんてを心配だったら、KtestのACIS認定資格の7595X試験問題集を利用してください。